Work sizing

Sinds 2003, we make investments in softwares and trainings for the calculation and the conception of 3D structures.

The software was first named ESA-PRIMA WIN, then SCIA ESA-PT and now SCIA Engineer.

SCIA offers a technology that provides integrated 3D solutions for almost every structures.

As this SCIA company example, we also have strongly evolved and integrated progressively most of the module softwares.

The advanced modelling of predefined sections and non predefined sections and customizable ( steel, concrete, wood, Aluminium,...).

The load application on filar and surface.

The calculations for finished elements which cover all the non-linearity, the stability analysis and the dynamic.

The conception and optimisation part is completed by the stability part for steel and concrete.

The controle following all the actual CE norms.

You can find further information in the french section "Dimensionnement Ouvrages" of this website.

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  • EBC Sprl
  • Grand route, 80
  • 4367 Crisnee
  • Belgium